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East Orlando Dental

How Often To Replace Your Toothbrush

How Often To Replace Your Toothbrush

How Often To Replace Your Toothbrush Can you think of the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We are conscious of throwing out expired foods, restocking supplements or vitamins, and beauty products are replaced quite often. Health and beauty gets more attention in...

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Use Your Tax Refund For Your Teeth!
Dental Tips |2 min read

Use Your Tax Refund For Your Teeth!

Every year, about eight of 10 United States taxpayers receive a tax refund. Typically the average refund is about $3,000. It’s tempting to use this money for a vacation or a shopping spree…but have you thought about using it for your dental care? Dental care is a wise...

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Professional Teeth Whitening
Cosmetic Dentistry |5 min read

Professional Teeth Whitening

In recent years, different types of teeth whitening have increased in popularity. Although teeth are typically mostly white, did you know that tooth enamel color can come in many different shades? Especially over time – your enamel can become discolored or stained....

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Are Cavities Contagious?

Are Cavities Contagious?

Amid the pandemic of COVID-19, cavities are probably the least of things you can think of as contagious. However, did you know that cavities can also spread similar to the way you catch a cold. In this article, we will share with you how cavities can spread from...

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14 Common Dental Issues

14 Common Dental Issues

14 Common Dental Issues Dental issues can come up at the most inconvenient times. Here are a list of the most common dental concerns and what to do until your dental appointment. 1. Toothache You’ve called and made a dentist appointment, but it can’t come...

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The MOST Simple New Years Resolution
Lifestyle |2 min read

The MOST Simple New Years Resolution

A New Year’s resolution is a decision to DO or not DO something to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. We often make New Year’s resolutions to lose weight or exercise more, but did you know there is an even easier resolution that only takes a...

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Side Effects of the Medications You Take Everyday
Uncategorized |5 min read

Side Effects of the Medications You Take Everyday

Side Effects of the Medications You Take Everyday The number of individuals taking prescription medications have significantly increased over the past decade.  A study was conducted by researchers who stated that nearly 70% of Americans take at least one prescription...

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