Dental Implants |4 min read

Dental Bridge VS Implant: Which One Is the Better Option?

Technician crafting a dental bridge

If you have missing teeth, you may be wondering which dental procedure is right for you – a dental bridge or a dental implant.

Both options have their benefits and drawbacks, and choosing between them can be a difficult decision.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the differences between dental bridges and implants, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure.

Overview of Dental Bridges and Implants

A dental bridge is a dental restoration that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It is made up of two or more dental crowns that are placed on either side of the gap created by the missing teeth.

These crowns are attached to a false tooth (or teeth) that fills the gap. Dental bridges can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal.

A dental implant, on the other hand, is a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone. This post acts as a replacement root for the missing tooth.

Once the post has fused with the bone (a process known as osseointegration), a dental crown is attached to the top of the post to fill the gap.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

  1. Cost-effective: Dental bridges are generally less expensive than dental implants.
  2. Quick and easy: Dental bridges can be completed in as little as two dental appointments.
  3. Non-invasive: Unlike dental implants, dental bridges do not require surgery.
  4. Suitable for certain cases: If you have multiple missing teeth in a row, a dental bridge may be a better option than multiple dental implants.

Disadvantages of Dental Bridges

  1. Shorter lifespan: Dental bridges usually last between 5-15 years, while dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care.
  2. Increased risk of decay: Because dental bridges are attached to the adjacent teeth, there is an increased risk of decay and gum disease.
  3. Damage to adjacent teeth: Preparing adjacent teeth for a dental bridge may require the removal of some of the tooth’s structure.

Advantages of Dental Implants

  1. Long-lasting: Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care.
  2. Natural-looking and feeling: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth.
  3. Improved oral health: Dental implants help to prevent bone loss and gum recession that can occur with missing teeth.
  4. No damage to adjacent teeth: Dental implants do not require the removal of any adjacent tooth structure.

Disadvantages of Dental Implants

  1. Expensive: Dental implants are generally more expensive than dental bridges.
  2. Requires surgery: Dental implant surgery can be invasive and may require a longer recovery time.
  3. Not suitable for everyone: Dental implants require a certain amount of bone density in the jaw to be successful.


Choosing between a dental bridge and a dental implant depends on your individual needs and circumstances. While dental bridges are a more cost-effective and less invasive option, they have a shorter lifespan and can increase the risk of decay and gum disease. Dental implants are a long-lasting and natural-looking option, but are more expensive and require surgery. Your Orlando dentists Dr. Morales, and Dr. Medina can help you make the best decision based on your oral health, budget, and personal preferences.


  1. How long does a dental implant procedure take?
    A dental implant procedure can take several months to complete, as it requires time for the implant to fuse with the bone.
  2. Are dental implants painful?
    There may be some discomfort or pain during and after the dental implant procedure, but it can usually be managed with pain medication.
  3. How do I care for a dental bridge or implant?
    It is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to care for a dental bridge or implant. Your dentist may also recommend special tools or cleaning solutions to keep your restoration clean and healthy.
  4. Can dental bridges be replaced with implants?
    Yes, dental bridges can be replaced with implants if desired or if the bridge fails.
  5. How do I know if I’m a good candidate for a dental implant?
    Your dentist will evaluate your oral health, bone density, and other factors to determine if you’re a good candidate for a dental implant. In some cases, additional procedures may be necessary to prepare the jaw for the implant.

In summary, both dental bridges and implants have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing between them requires careful consideration of your individual needs and circumstances. Book a complimentary consultation to determine the best option for your oral health and overall well-being.

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